How do you use your skills in professional practice, while using your PLN to engage in business, career opportunities, and relationships?

The course about PLN is so useful that I have learned many skills that could help me use PLN in both professional and personal life.

First of all, I will post content on my social media more frequently to create a positive personna. Social media provides a platform for others to know us better. I will mainly focus on two aspects: my professional skills and my colorful life. To present my expertise may attract more potential employers and gain myself more job opportunities. To present my life may help build my image as passionate and kind, which can attract more followers and enlarge my social network.

Secondly, I will interact more frequently on social media with others, such as posting comments or give likes. Interaction with others can help build relationship. Everyone cares about his/her digital image. When I give them likes it’s like I have give my acknowledge and recognition of them. They would be more willing to connect with me. Besides, I will chat with some professional experts online. Nowadays, to have a face-to-face conversation with a celebrated expert my be hardly impossible, however, to interact with the experts or precedents online is within one’s ability. I will have conversations with the precedents in my job field. For one thing, I can get some information and have a deeper understanding of the industry. For another, I may get opportunities to be recommended by the experts to access more desired job opportunities.

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Miller, J. (n.d.). A01 Schedule with Jesse EDCI 338. Retrieved June 25, 2021, from